Tuesday, 6 March 2012


We rolled in to Muskoka Woods Camp shortly after 8pm on Friday night.  Four adult leaders in four salt-covered vehicles, packed to the roof with over-amped teenagers and their gear.  After orientation and unloading we found ourselves seats at the back of the “Hanger” as a Christian rock band began to play at decibels that would send half our Sunday morning crowd running for the exit.  Four-hundred other teenagers shouted out familiar lyrics, “We want to lift your name high, Jesus!”

Most of our crew looked shell-shocked. 

Only a few of them had gone to church before, and of those even less had really seen anything like this.  They looked around like, What the heck is going on?  Where did all these teenage Christians come from?

By Saturday night half our kids would be found standing up front, hands in the air, singing out to God with joy and sincerity.  All of them would be found in prayer at some point. Bonds were formed.  Burdens were lifted.  Answers were found.  And yes, some questions were raised.

Teens are open to God.  Like everyone else they usually sense that there is something more out there.  But, like everyone else, this God thing has to be seen as relevant to their lives.  So we need to communicate God’s love to them in their own language.  Frame the gospel in such a way that they can relate.  Maybe even let them communicate God’s love to one another.  I mean, who else speaks teenager better than a teenager?

 If we do that we just might find the teenagers in our congregations moving from the back row to the front pew, arms lifted high.

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