Thursday, 8 March 2012

The Big Sendoff

They sat in neatly orchestrated stacking chairs, smoothing out their new suits and best black dresses.  They passed around boxes of tissue and many arms were around many shoulders.  A soft murmur filled the quaint funeral home chapel.  I approached the pulpit as the room hushed.

The gentleman lying in the casket behind me - a kind looking elderly man wearing his best plaid shirt, green Nova Scotia hat perched beside him – was a man I’d never met before today.  Only a poster board covered in assorted family pictures was my link to his life. I’d only met his grandson today as well, and this only a few minutes before the funeral. 
We exchanged pleasantries and went over the order of service.  Then we closed the casket, pulled open the curtains, and I began.
Today’s society has little use for religion.  In fact some aggressively attack religion.  And yet when we die to whom do we turn?  Even the families of most un-churched, agnostic, or even atheist people call on me for the big day.  Same goes with weddings, sometimes baptisms. 

I suspect they do so because they don’t know to whom else they can turn.  When we rail against God and the idea of a higher power all our lives, at the end of it we often find ourselves seeking out God and God’s people.  So do our families who are left behind.  Alcoholics know about this.  So do prison inmates, and relief workers in developing nations. 
When we are at our weakest - when we have no power left - that’s when many of us finally reach out for God.[1]

So why not seek that higher power now?  Why wait?  If God is there to help at the end, imagine what he can do right now.  Don’t let a stranger in a black jacket and white collar send you off on that big day.  Make sure that he/she is a friend.

Join us this Sunday at 10:30 am as we continue our newest Teaching Series: He Chose the Nails.


[1] Psalm 30

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