you attend church regularly? What does
“regular” mean to you?
- Every week, without fail, rain or shine
- Most weeks, so long as there isn’t a NOFO (non-optional family outing) or weekend getaway planned
- Once or twice a month. I have a lot going on after all but I still want to feel connected.
- Every once in a while I actually go the building, but I listen to the message online and interact with church folks through social media, text, and email.
- I rarely go on Sunday morning, but I belong to a small group/book study/service group/other mid-week program and that’s church to me.
- Christmas and Easter. Is the church open between those dates?
is likely that you can find yourself somewhere on this list. It is also likely that you are surprised by
one or more of these definitions of regular church attendance. Many Millennials and Generation Xers will
marvel at the commitment of our older members who carve out that precious hour
every Sunday morning without fail. Those
from the Greatest Generation may be surprised that someone could rarely if ever
attend a Sunday service and yet still consider themselves a consistent
participant in the life of a local congregation.
they do.
and more our congregations are talking about shrinking attendance. “Where did
everybody go?” we ask scratching our heads as we survey empty pews on Sunday
mornings. However,
before we can get far down the road of understanding this unique time in
the life of the North American Church, we need to first understand how culture
has shifted, and how that affects our understanding of being the Church.
what we mean by Church growth is directly correlated to Sunday attendance then
no wonder we are frustrated because it doesn’t really mean that anymore. Does it? More importantly we might be missing out on a
huge opportunity. Being the Church in
the 21st century is so much more than the number that the ushers
hand in to the Church secretary each week.
what about you? Do you attend church
Alton J. Ruff